So spraying my cornhole boards was a bad idea. I thought I could put a nice, clear coat on and seal everything up nicely, but the finish looked like crap. Splotchiness here, cloudiness there, some glossy areas.... it was unsatisfactory so I decided to re-do the painting. I also wasn't totally happy will the flowers' color schemes - Things always come out better the second time!
I scuffed everything up with sandpaper, cleaned, went over more areas with wood putty that I had missed, sanded and wiped. I re-rolled a fresh new coat of the brown base, and went to the gun range to get some practice in.
When I came back it was plenty dry. My new color scheme for the flowers was similar, just wanted to switch out a few. I spent a bit more time articulating the flowers, I'm much happier with how they look. Just need to do the other board with the larger flower version like before.
There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!
There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!
There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!
Cool! I've never noticed galls on staghorn sumac. Location: SE NH.
Melaphis rhois on Rhus typhina