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Roasting Pork Rib End w/FMR

Pork rib end is also known as Blade loin roast. It's close to the shoulder, and with bone in can be very tender and juicy.
FMR= foraged meat rub, found in 4 posts below.

I remove the packaged roast from the fridge and leave out for 30-45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 425, with cast iron dutch oven inside.
To coat with the spice rub, it seems easiest to spread onto a plate and press all the meat surfaces into.
When oven is ready, drop roast into pot, and insert probe. I set the probe for 130. The pork continues to cook even when oven is shut off, so I like to allow growing room for the temperature to climb.
For a 3# roast, cooking time was about 1 hour, 20 minutes.
As you can see from photo, at some point the roast developed a bald spot and the rub slipped off. 🙂
The pork was great! Tender, juicy, and the rub was aromatic and tasty. The side dish is dandelion greens and stinging nettle, with garlic, onions, and red pepper for crunch and color.

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Very old building, beautiful gardens, lovely luncheon

Fritillary on Rose milkweed
Live Chat
November 29, 2020
The Little Book of Answers part 4(animals)

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little Book of Answers part 4(animals)
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November 16, 2020
The Little book of Answers part 3(holidays)

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little book of Answers part 3(holidays)
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November 09, 2020
The Little Book of Answers part 2

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little Book of Answers part 2
Aphid galls on sumac

Cool! I've never noticed galls on staghorn sumac. Location: SE NH.
Melaphis rhois on Rhus typhina

Lots of big zucchini this year

Happy garden with all the heat, humidity, and occasional rain.
I made a yummy zucchini chocolate bread for my sister's visit. Going to air fry some of what I just picked.

Nature's eye candy

Some nice shots from the Library garden that I volunteer to take care of.

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