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December 15, 2020
Apple Cranberry Crisp

I'm not a big dessert person, so when I make them, I cut out a good portion of the sugar, and try to make various substitutes for denser nutrition

This takes about an hour of prep, and about the same for bake time.

Crumble filling

Into a large bowl add all the following:

Cup of coconut flour

1/2 cup honey

Cup of steel cut oats

1/4 cup dk brown sugar

Tsp van extract

Tsp of baking powder

Tsp cinnamon powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp allspice

1/4 cup of flaxseed meal or finely chopped nuts

1 1/4 sticks unsalted butter, small pieces

Mix into a moist, crumbly texture with pastry blender, or your tool of choice.

Put mix into small container and place into freezer.

Apple and cranberry mix

Add all into large bowl:

Core 5 lbs of apples

Cut apples in half, then cut into thin slices

Add 12oz package of cranberries

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/3 AP flour

zest and juice of one orange

1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp nutmeg

While letting that rest for 10 minutes, CLEAN UP the goddamn mess you just made.

And preheat oven to 350

Give apple mix another good tossing and add into containers. I used a 3 & 1.5 qt.

Remove crumble mix from freezer. It will be rigid, but will easily break apart into large chunks.

Distribute over apple mix, pushing down slightly.

Arrange rack for lower 1/3 of oven(s)

Line cookie sheets with foil to create 2" walls, place filled containers into them and put into oven(s).

Set timer for one hour, or a few minutes

(As cooking time approaches 15 minutes before done time, and crumble appears to be getting darker than you are comfortable with, throw a piece of foil over for remainder of cooking time.)

Place wire rack on counter
Carefully transfer hot containers onto wire rack and ket cool for a good 10 minutes before devouring some.
(A little vanilla ice cream would be superb on top!)

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November 29, 2020
The Little Book of Answers part 4(animals)

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little Book of Answers part 4(animals)
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November 16, 2020
The Little book of Answers part 3(holidays)

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little book of Answers part 3(holidays)
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November 09, 2020
The Little Book of Answers part 2

There are a lot of expressions that we hear now and then; most we think we know the origin of, some we don't. For the most part we just don't ponder the origin of commonplace expressions because they are... common. The first thing I discovered when beginning to read this little gem of a book, was not only hadn't I considered where many common sayings come from, but my preconceived idea of their origin was actually wrong! Kinda embarrassing, but guessing I may not be alone in this. I thought it would be of value then to share some tidbits from this book. Audio format is nice, as you can multitask while listening to this. This is my first attempt at recording reading a book, so any constructive criticism is welcome!

The Little Book of Answers part 2
Aphid galls on sumac

Cool! I've never noticed galls on staghorn sumac. Location: SE NH.
Melaphis rhois on Rhus typhina

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Happy garden with all the heat, humidity, and occasional rain.
I made a yummy zucchini chocolate bread for my sister's visit. Going to air fry some of what I just picked.

Nature's eye candy

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